Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版)


殺菌 99.9%







  • 陶瓷塗層發熱盤,令水垢更易清洗。每次使用後,用濕布輕抹便可。改善了一般不鏽鋼發熱盤問題─水垢積累後,需加醋才能清洗乾淨。
  • 16.4 cm 高桶身,容納高身樽;置物籃能上下倒轉,增加容納高度。桶內可放置6個寬口徑奶樽。
  • 窄長設計,完美地隱藏於廚房中,再附上蒸煮功能,能蒸包點,翻熱嬰兒食物;置於廚房,一舉二得 (消毒得,蒸煮又得)。隨著BB 成長而提供需要。
  • 簡易操作,使用模式及時間,一清二楚。





烘乾功能,可選擇10, 30, 50分鐘烘乾。

保管功能,消毒後,配件可放於消毒機內,可選擇4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24小時保管,每4小時進行10分鐘烘乾,確保配件乾淨衛生。



尺寸: 36.7cm 高 x 18.3cm 寬 x 30.2cm 長

重量: 2.1 kg


YOU0021 - Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版) YOU0021 - Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版) YOU0021 - Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版) YOU0021 - Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版) YOU0021 - Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版)

Weight2.5 kg



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  • Smart Locker / Self-pickup Point $25
  • Courier $35
  • Free shipping for Smart Locker / Self-pickup Point orders over $150
  • Free shipping for Courier orders over $450
Q1: Why are your products sold at such low prices? Are they counterfeit?
A1: We strive to simplify processes and reduce expenses, such as not having physical stores and adopting a low-inventory strategy, to ensure that all the money saved is passed on to our customers. Please rest assured that we guarantee every product we sell is brand new and genuine.

Q2: When will I receive my order after placing it?
A2: Generally, after placing an order and successfully making the payment, we will start preparing the goods. The order is usually completed and shipped within 7 working days. You can check the status of your order in the "My Orders" section of your account.

Q3: Some of your products are labeled as "In Stock" while others are not. What's the difference?
A3: "In Stock" means that the product is already in our warehouse. If it's not labeled, it means that we will immediately request the product from our suppliers after the order is placed. BabyMall operates with low inventory levels to ensure a longer product shelf life.
YOU0021 - Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版) Youha 優合 多功能蒸氣消毒烘乾機 (新版)


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