Kiehl’s 金盞花植物精華 爽膚水 75ml

1次即時 紓緩泛紅 減少油光*

Kiehl’s 金盞花植物精華爽膚水是品牌內國際熱銷產品,每8秒就售出1瓶^。這款爽膚水蘊含金盞花精華、人手採摘原片金盞花瓣及其他植物萃取,能夠有效紓緩肌膚、保濕、減褪泛紅、平衡水油、調理粉刺、減少過剩油脂、收細毛孔、細嫩膚質,並加速暗瘡疤痕癒合。

溫和配方 敏感肌膚適用


天然成分 舒緩肌膚

Kiehl’s 金盞花植物精華爽膚水含有多種天然成分,能夠舒緩肌膚: – 尿囊素:在紫草根中發現的化合物,具有舒緩及減輕炎症的功效。 – 金盞花:從萬壽菊花中萃取的油分,性質溫和,對脆弱敏感肌膚具有舒緩功效。 – 牛蒡:溫和的天然成分,世代以來用於改善皮膚乾燥問題。 使用方法:

  1. 潔面後,取適量爽膚水沾濕於潔淨的化妝棉上
  2. 輕抹面部,避開眼睛四周
  3. 使用前請輕輕搖勻
  4. 適合早晚使用


  • 品牌:Kiehl’s 契爾氏
  • 產品名稱:金盞花植物精華爽膚水
  • 容量:75ml
  • 主要功效:紓緩泛紅、減少油光、保濕、平衡水油、調理粉刺、收細毛孔等
  • 主要成分:金盞花精華、尿囊素、牛蒡等
  • 適合膚質:各種膚質,包括敏感肌膚
  • 使用時間:早晚

^ 根據Kiehl’s 2022年內部銷售數據 *59位亞洲女性使用產品後之即時評估

Weight0.1 kg


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Q1: Why are your products sold at such low prices? Are they counterfeit?
A1: We strive to simplify processes and reduce expenses, such as not having physical stores and adopting a low-inventory strategy, to ensure that all the money saved is passed on to our customers. Please rest assured that we guarantee every product we sell is brand new and genuine.

Q2: When will I receive my order after placing it?
A2: Generally, after placing an order and successfully making the payment, we will start preparing the goods. The order is usually completed and shipped within 7 working days. You can check the status of your order in the "My Orders" section of your account.

Q3: Some of your products are labeled as "In Stock" while others are not. What's the difference?
A3: "In Stock" means that the product is already in our warehouse. If it's not labeled, it means that we will immediately request the product from our suppliers after the order is placed. BabyMall operates with low inventory levels to ensure a longer product shelf life.
3605972842008 - Kiehl's 金盞花植物精華 爽膚水 75ml Kiehl’s 金盞花植物精華 爽膚水 75ml...


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