Givenchy 紀梵希 魅彩九色眼影

Nicolas Degennes創造了Le 9 Givenchy九宮格眼影盤,呼應品牌在時裝秀上所呈現的奢華直線輪廓與花卉圖案設計,由五種色調組合,每個眼影盤都以九種美麗的顏色組成,其豐富、強烈的色彩,同時闡釋了時代女性對於欲望的思想及追求。

Givenchy Le 9 魅彩九色眼影系列以完美的色彩組合,細膩地展露出高雅的魅力。九宮格完美平衡的顏色配置,優雅地點綴你的雙眸。刻上 Givenchy 4G 品牌標誌的黑色漆盒中,鑲嵌上9顆色彩鏤釘, 囊括了啞緻、緞面、閃鑽及金屬4種妝效。柔滑細膩的質感,及濃郁飽滿的色彩呈現,打造出持久舒適、獨特的妝容。

Harmony 9.01 以珊瑚橙色為主調的眼妝一直是近年大熱,特別適合亞洲女性,日常大地色調配上閃鑽銀色為點綴,各種場合都適用。而這個色號的另一重點是置於角落的酒紅色,帶有褐色調的深紅色,無論作為眼妝主調,或沿著下眼線位置輕輕一抹,都能為妝容添上神秘又高雅的氣色。

Harmony 9.02 跳脫、獨特、極具個性的寶石綠,是活力與自信的代名詞,以金黃色增加華麗感,或以裸棕色調和,自由調配出獨一無二的個人專屬氣場。

Harmony 9.03 集甜美的嫩粉色、富女人味的紫水晶色及實用的啡棕色於一身,襯托出你最溫柔的美態。而其中的珍珠銀白色,亦可當作顴骨打亮使用。

Harmony 9.04 以紫羅蘭為主色調,搭配不同深淺的灰銀色加深輪廓,創造玩味煙燻感妝容,使你的眼神散發出神秘、性感的魅力。

Harmony 9.05 銅金色、暖棕色、泥褐色……結合了各種溫暖的顏色,令你柔和的目光如日落般迷人。 再以珍珠白色打亮內眼角,豐富眼妝的層次感。

Givenchy Le 9 系列眼影使用創新配方,粉質細緻,極高的延展性助你輕鬆調節色彩的飽和度,創造出富有層次感的眼妝 效果,12小時不褪色、不掉粉。以刻上 Givenchy 4G 品牌標誌的黑色漆盒呈現,包括一個雙頭眼影掃,可實現二合一的高級定製效果。



• 自然眼妝:選取淺色調塗於眼頭作打亮,在眼瞼位置塗抹中性色,然後用暈染刷沿眼窩將兩種色調暈開。

• 精緻眼妝:使用扁平狀刷毛的眼影刷選取啞緻的色調塗抹在眼瞼的中間位置,之後使用棕色調加深雙眼皮內側,然後選取更深色調的眼影塗抹在後眼窩,並用暈染刷暈開。

• 高級定製眼妝:選取深色調的眼影塗抹於整個眼窩位置,然後用中性色調將邊緣位置的眼影暈染至自然效果,再用眼影掃沾取珍珠白色打亮內眼角及卧蠶。最後使用深色系眼影描畫上下眼線,令雙眸更深邃突出。

Weight0.05 kg


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Q1: Why are your products sold at such low prices? Are they counterfeit?
A1: We strive to simplify processes and reduce expenses, such as not having physical stores and adopting a low-inventory strategy, to ensure that all the money saved is passed on to our customers. Please rest assured that we guarantee every product we sell is brand new and genuine.

Q2: When will I receive my order after placing it?
A2: Generally, after placing an order and successfully making the payment, we will start preparing the goods. The order is usually completed and shipped within 7 working days. You can check the status of your order in the "My Orders" section of your account.

Q3: Some of your products are labeled as "In Stock" while others are not. What's the difference?
A3: "In Stock" means that the product is already in our warehouse. If it's not labeled, it means that we will immediately request the product from our suppliers after the order is placed. BabyMall operates with low inventory levels to ensure a longer product shelf life.
GIV004 - Givenchy 紀梵希 魅彩九色眼影 Givenchy 紀梵希 魅彩九色眼影


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