Diptyque 蒂普提克 杜桑 沐浴油 200ml

絲滑質地 喚醒感官享受沐浴時光

Diptyque 蒂普提克杜桑沐浴油猶如一場感官的奢華盛宴,讓沐浴成為一種享受。透明的油狀質地在接觸水的瞬間變身為柔滑細緻的乳狀,溫柔包覆肌膚,帶來如絲般順滑的觸感。杏仁油的添加賦予沐浴油極佳的滋潤效果,在清潔的同時也深層呵護肌膚,讓每寸肌膚都能感受到細緻呵護,散發迷人光澤。

杜桑花香 彷彿徜徉在花海中沐浴

  • 融合晚香玉、橙花、茉莉多重花香
  • 以杜桑花為主調,散發清新優雅氣息
  • 海風吹拂,花香隨之舞動,彷彿置身花海
  • 高濃度香氛,一抹留香一整天


香氛故事 感受南法海岸純粹幸福

Diptyque的香氛藝術總是從故事開始。杜桑系列靈感來自創辦人Yves Coueslant在越南度過的童年時光。杜桑是一個位於越南海防市附近的小漁村,那裡有著美麗的海灘和生機勃勃的熱帶花園。Yves在杜桑度過了許多快樂時光,杜桑花的香氣也深深烙印在他的記憶中。多年後,他以杜桩花香重新詮釋兒時的美好回憶,喚起人們對純粹幸福的嚮往。


  1. 取適量沐浴油,在沐浴時直接塗抹於全身肌膚。
  2. 或取少量倒入浴缸中,讓泡沫瀰漫整個浴室。
  3. 亦可作為泡泡浴使用,倒入適量並攪拌出泡沫。
  4. 使用後可直接沖洗,毋需再使用其他沐浴產品。


  • 品牌: Diptyque 蒂普提克
  • 產品名稱: 杜桑沐浴油
  • 容量: 200ml
  • 香調: 花香調
  • 前調: 晚香玉、橙花、茉莉
  • 中調: 杜桑花
  • 後調: 白麝香、香草
  • 主要成分: 杏仁油、香氛
  • 產地: 法國
  • 適用膚質: 各種膚質
Weight0.35 kg


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  • Smart Locker / Self-pickup Point $25
  • Courier $35
  • Free shipping for Smart Locker / Self-pickup Point orders over $150
  • Free shipping for Courier orders over $450
Q1: Why are your products sold at such low prices? Are they counterfeit?
A1: We strive to simplify processes and reduce expenses, such as not having physical stores and adopting a low-inventory strategy, to ensure that all the money saved is passed on to our customers. Please rest assured that we guarantee every product we sell is brand new and genuine.

Q2: When will I receive my order after placing it?
A2: Generally, after placing an order and successfully making the payment, we will start preparing the goods. The order is usually completed and shipped within 7 working days. You can check the status of your order in the "My Orders" section of your account.

Q3: Some of your products are labeled as "In Stock" while others are not. What's the difference?
A3: "In Stock" means that the product is already in our warehouse. If it's not labeled, it means that we will immediately request the product from our suppliers after the order is placed. BabyMall operates with low inventory levels to ensure a longer product shelf life.
3700431441935 01 - Diptyque 蒂普提克 杜桑 沐浴油 200ml
