Alfresco 英國製 草本防蚊香水噴霧 [香港行貨]



  • 不含化學避蚊胺,成份天然
    · 超過20種天然草本精油,獨特配方發揮超強防蚊功效
    · 可噴在BB車,衣物表面或家居表面,可達至持久防蚊功效
    · 孕婦﹑皮膚敏感人士﹑G6PD患者可以使用 (小朋友建議使用Alfresco防蚊膏,成份更溫和)
    · 香港醫護學會認證防蚊產品
    · 香港標準及檢定中心測試報告,符合多個國際及本地標準,信心保證
    · 可與防曬及其他皮膚護理品一起使用

Alfresco ®英國草本防蚊產品,100%英國製造。Alfresco蘊含20種純天然草本精華成份,不含避蚊胺(DEET),質地清爽又保濕,BB香味,有效預防蚊蟲叮咬。即使是最幼嫩的嬰兒肌膚、敏感性皮膚,孕婦及哺乳期的媽媽都可安心使用。

Alfresco ®草本防蚊香水蘊含天然草本精華油,因此氣味天然芳香,充滿草本香味,使用後也不會感到刺鼻不適。


Alfresco®多年備受荷李活明星擁戴,名人紅星包括影后NicoleKidman、Jodie Foster、型男Jude Law、Penelope Cruz及Nicole Cage等等,在拍外景的時候,都必先塗上Alfresco®產品打底,讓它同時發揮驅蚊和護膚的功效,驅蚊效果顯著,安全可靠。



  1. 使用前均勻搖動樽身
    2. 將防蚊香水噴霧噴在身體外露的各部份,衣服或BB車上。
    3. 每4至6小時補噴一次。
    4. 更可配合Alfresco®防蚊潤膚乳液一併使用,發揮更長更強效防蚊效用。


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  • Smart Locker / Self-pickup Point $25
  • Courier $35
  • Free shipping for Smart Locker / Self-pickup Point orders over $150
  • Free shipping for Courier orders over $450
Q1: Why are your products sold at such low prices? Are they counterfeit?
A1: We strive to simplify processes and reduce expenses, such as not having physical stores and adopting a low-inventory strategy, to ensure that all the money saved is passed on to our customers. Please rest assured that we guarantee every product we sell is brand new and genuine.

Q2: When will I receive my order after placing it?
A2: Generally, after placing an order and successfully making the payment, we will start preparing the goods. The order is usually completed and shipped within 7 working days. You can check the status of your order in the "My Orders" section of your account.

Q3: Some of your products are labeled as "In Stock" while others are not. What's the difference?
A3: "In Stock" means that the product is already in our warehouse. If it's not labeled, it means that we will immediately request the product from our suppliers after the order is placed. BabyMall operates with low inventory levels to ensure a longer product shelf life.
Alf0002 - Alfresco 英國製 草本防蚊香水噴霧 [香港行貨] Alfresco 英國製 草本防蚊香水噴霧 [香港行貨]


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