Nittou Tea 日東紅茶 原味皇家奶茶 14g X 10條裝

日本濃味本格紅茶的代表 優質紅茶與大量牛奶的完美融合

Nittou Tea日東紅茶原味皇家奶茶是日本衝飲類奶茶榜單上長期有名的產品,代表了日本濃味本格紅茶的經典風味。精選優質紅茶葉,釋放紅茶本來的華麗香氣和深沉口感,再加入大量北海道100%全脂奶粉,打造出濃厚順滑的奶香,口感柔和而不失紅茶的醇正滋味。無論是熱飲還是冷飲,都能輕鬆沖調出一杯地道的日式皇家奶茶,感受紅茶與牛奶的完美交織。

嚴選原料 香醇濃郁口感

  • 精選國產紅茶葉,釋放紅茶華麗芬芳
  • 100%北海道全脂奶粉,濃郁奶香融入紅茶
  • 添加天然岩鹽,口感更加圓潤柔和
  • 獨特配方,打造香醇濃厚的皇家奶茶風味

Nittou Tea日東紅茶原味皇家奶茶嚴選日本國產優質紅茶葉,通過專業烘焙,釋放出紅茶本來的華麗香氣和深沉口感。再加入100%來自北海道的全脂奶粉,奶香濃郁,與紅茶完美融合。天然岩鹽的添加,則讓口感更加圓潤柔和,層次豐富。這款獨特的配方,打造出香醇濃厚的皇家奶茶風味,讓你每一口都能品嚐到紅茶與牛奶的極致融合。

簡單沖泡 熱飲冷飲都適宜

沖泡Nittou Tea日東紅茶原味皇家奶茶非常簡單,無論是熱飲還是冷飲,都能輕鬆製作。熱飲時,只需將一條奶茶倒入杯中,注入120ml左右的熱水,攪拌均勻即可品嚐濃醇香滑的皇家奶茶。冷飲時,先將奶茶粉用少量熱水溶解,再加入冰塊和冷水,攪拌片刻,一杯冰爽怡人的皇家奶茶就製作完成。10條獨立包裝,方便攜帶,隨時隨地都能享受美味。

多種場合 品味優雅生活

Nittou Tea日東紅茶原味皇家奶茶適合在多種場合飲用,為你的生活增添一份優雅和品味。下午茶時分,與朋友一起品嚐香醇的皇家奶茶,搭配精緻的糕點,交談甚歡。工作疲憊時,泡上一杯熱騰騰的奶茶,暖心提神。臨睡前來一杯,溫暖放鬆,幫助入眠。獨特的皇家奶茶風味,讓你隨時隨地都能感受到生活的美好。 產品資訊:

  • 品牌: Nittou Tea 日東紅茶
  • 產品名稱: 原味皇家奶茶
  • 規格: 14g X 10條/盒
  • 成分: 砂糖、乳糖、脫脂奶粉、植物油脂、全脂奶粉(北海道產)、紅茶萃取物、奶油油、乳蛋白、加糖煉乳、紅茶(日本國產)、食鹽等
  • 熱量: 每條約59大卡
  • 沖泡方法: 熱飲-1條倒入杯中,加入120ml熱水攪拌;冷飲-1條用少量熱水溶解,加入冰塊和冷水攪拌
  • 產地: 日本
  • 保存方法: 避免高溫多濕和陽光直射
Weight.2 kg


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Q1: Why are your products sold at such low prices? Are they counterfeit?
A1: We strive to simplify processes and reduce expenses, such as not having physical stores and adopting a low-inventory strategy, to ensure that all the money saved is passed on to our customers. Please rest assured that we guarantee every product we sell is brand new and genuine.

Q2: When will I receive my order after placing it?
A2: Generally, after placing an order and successfully making the payment, we will start preparing the goods. The order is usually completed and shipped within 7 working days. You can check the status of your order in the "My Orders" section of your account.

Q3: Some of your products are labeled as "In Stock" while others are not. What's the difference?
A3: "In Stock" means that the product is already in our warehouse. If it's not labeled, it means that we will immediately request the product from our suppliers after the order is placed. BabyMall operates with low inventory levels to ensure a longer product shelf life.
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