Les 3 CHENES 三橡樹 染髮劑 135ml

Les 3 Chênes Color & Soin Woman Hair Dye is a permanent hair-dye which covers by 100% of the white hair from the first use, preserves and takes great care of hair.
Tested under dermatological control, it respects the nature of hair, thus minimising the risk of irritation and allergy. Moreover, thanks to plant proteins and essential oils contained in it, it stimulates hair volume and flexibility.
Selected dye pigments make it possible to establish a palette of nuanced colors that meet all trends and desires.
Ammonia-free, resorcinol-free, paraben-free, silicone-free.
1 box contains:
– a bottle of 60ml of dyeing with plant extracts
– a bottle of 60ml of fixer
– a sachet of 15ml of hair balm
– a pair of protective gloves
– an instructions leaflet.

Pour the contents of the hair dye in the fixing bottle and shake well during 2 minutes. Apply the mixture to dry hair. Let stand for 20 minutes.
Pour a little tepid water on your hair and mix slightly. Rinse profusely, then wash your hair with a mild shampoo (Shampoo for coloured hair Colour & Care).
Apply the capillary Balm and to stand 2 minutes. Rinse profusely.
Let your hair dry naturally (preferably) and then style in order to let your hair take its original shape, suppleness and volume.
Precautions for use: Do not employ for the colouring of lashes and eyebrows.
In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately.
Indication: Hair dye. All types of hair.

重量0.1 公斤




  •  智能櫃 / 自取點 $25
  •  速遞 $35
  •  滿$150 智能櫃 / 自取點 免運費
  •  滿$450 速遞 免運費
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L3C001 01 - Les 3 CHENES 三橡樹 染髮劑 135ml

