Olaplex 奧拿匹斯 No.5 修復 護髮素 250ml



1. 洗掉洗髮水後,將多余的水分從頭髮上去除。
2. 塗抹OLAPLEX Nº.5修護髮素,均勻地塗抹在頭髮上。靜置3分鐘。
3. 沖洗乾淨。
4. 如常造型。
5. 為了獲得最佳效果,建議在使用護髮素之前先使用OLAPLEX Nº.4修護洗髮水。

The Nº.5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner, infused with patented OLAPLEX Bond Building Technology, is a highly concentrated reparative conditioner that nourishes and hydrates hair without causing heaviness.

Nº.5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner produces softer, shinier and visibly healthy hair with each use, reducing damage, split ends, frizz, and flyaways. Enjoy the optimum conditioning and dramatically improved manageability.

How to use:
1. Remove excess water from the hair after rinsing out the shampoo.
2. Apply OLAPLEX Nº.5 BOND MAINTENANCE CONDITIONER. Work through evenly. Leave on for 3 minutes.
3. Rinse.
4. Style as you normally would.
5. For best results we recommend using OLAPLEX Nº.4 BOND MAINTENANCE SHAMPOO before using the conditioner.

重量0.3 公斤



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