Helena Rubinstein 赫蓮娜 綠寶瓶眼部精華乳 15ml


Helena Rubinstein 赫蓮娜 綠寶瓶眼部精華乳是一款適合所有膚質的高效眼部護理產品。這款眼霜質地輕盈如牛奶,能深入滲透眼周脆弱的肌膚,發揮再生、強韌和穩定肌膚的功效。想像當你每天早晚使用這款眼霜時,柔滑的質地在眼周肌膚上化開,清涼舒適的觸感讓雙眸瞬間得到舒緩。隨著輕柔的按摩,活性成分被肌膚充分吸收,日復一日,你會發現黑眼圈和浮腫問題得到改善,眼周肌膚重拾緊緻彈性,散發年輕光采。


  • 玻尿酸:深層補水保濕,平滑細紋
  • 植物細胞:促進細胞再生,撫平皺紋
  • 全新配方:較之前版本含有2倍植物細胞和5倍玻尿酸,功效加倍



  • 品牌:Helena Rubinstein 赫蓮娜
  • 系列:Powercell Skinmunity
  • 品名:綠寶瓶眼部精華乳
  • 容量:15ml
  • 質地:輕盈乳霜狀
  • 膚質:適合所有膚質
  • 功效:減少黑眼圈和浮腫,緊緻眼周肌膚

Helena Rubinstein Powercell Skinmunity The Eye Care Cream 15ml

Awaken your eyes, reduce dark circles and puffiness, let the eye area radiate youthful luster

Helena Rubinstein Powercell Skinmunity The Eye Care Cream is a highly effective eye care product suitable for all skin types. This eye cream has a lightweight, milky texture that penetrates deeply into the delicate skin around the eyes, providing regenerating, strengthening and stabilizing effects. Imagine applying this eye cream every morning and night, the smooth texture melts on the skin around your eyes, the cool and comfortable sensation instantly soothes the eye area. With gentle massage, the active ingredients are fully absorbed by the skin. Day after day, you will notice improvements in dark circles and puffiness, as the skin around the eyes regains firmness and elasticity, radiating a youthful glow.

This eye care cream contains various natural active ingredients, including:

  • Hyaluronic acid: Deeply hydrates and moisturizes, smooths fine lines
  • Native vegetal cells: Promotes cell regeneration, smooths wrinkles
  • New formula: Contains 2X more native vegetal cells and 5X more hyaluronic acid compared to previous versions, doubling the efficacy

The application method is very simple. Every morning and evening, apply an appropriate amount of eye cream and gently massage the skin around the eyes with the included applicator until absorbed. This eye care cream is designed specifically for the delicate skin around the eyes and can effectively improve problems such as dark circles and puffiness, allowing your eyes to regain radiance and exude charming allure.

Product specifications:

  • Brand: Helena Rubinstein
  • Line: Powercell Skinmunity
  • Product name: The Eye Care Cream
  • Size: 15ml
  • Texture: Lightweight, creamy
  • Skin type: Suitable for all skin types
  • Effects: Reduces dark circles and puffiness, firms the skin around the eyes
重量0.1 公斤



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