FicceCode 菲詩蔻 生薑 滋養控油 洗髮露 300ml

生薑背豪西亞增量洗髮精是一種多效洗髮露,能增加髮量和豐滿度,而不會使頭髮變得暗淡或產生黏膩或僵硬的後效果。 背豪西亞檸檬香可以幫助增厚頭髮,而生薑則可以刺激長期頭髮健康,並溫和地清潔和去角質頭皮。

它適合中性至油性頭皮髮質。 背豪西亞檸檬香葉可透過防止角鯊烯的氧化,減少炎症,並抑制頭皮皮脂腺的油脂產生,保持油水平衡。 生薑根可以幫助按摩和放鬆頭皮,減少刺激並保護皮膚免受氧化壓力。

鋅乳酸:透過減少頭皮細胞中的脂質積累並抑制5-還原酶活性,有效地緩解頭皮癢問題。 側柏葉萃取物,
10種氨基酸:這種含有10種氨基酸的複合物使洗後的頭髮保持水分,不乾燥。 10個不含清單我們的目標是創造出優質的澳洲製造的護髮產品,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯,不含硫酸鹽,不做動物測試,氣味宜人。

所以這是我們產品的10個「不含清單」:不含對羥基苯甲酸酯不含硫酸鹽不含礦物油不含合成香料不含動物衍生物不含化學惡劣物質不含EDTA不含矽 酮不含酞酸鹽不含石蠟

Ginger Backhousia Volumizing Shampoo is a multi-benefit shampoo that enhances volume and fullness without dulling or creating sticky or stiff after-effects. Backhousia Citriodora helps to thicken, while ginger stimulates long-term hair health and gently cleanses and exfoliates the scalp. It is formulated for normal to oily scalp hair types.

Backhousia Citriodora Leaf
By preventing the oxidation of squalene, reducing inflammation, and inhibiting the production of oil by the scalp’s sebaceous glands, it maintains the balance between oil and water.

Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) Root
It helps massage and relax the scalp, reducing irritation and protecting the skin from oxidative stress.

Other key ingredients
Zinc Lactate: Efficaciously relieves itchy scalp problems by reducing lipid build-up in scalp cells and inhibiting 5-reductase activity.

Platycladus Orientalis Leaf Extract, Niacinamide: Boosts the scalp’s barrier function, soothes and repairs the scalp, and is an effective antioxidant.

Piroctone Olamine: Reduces dandruff and inhibits bacterial and fungal proliferation

Enantia Chlorantha Bark Extract: It stimulates the growth of hair follicles, regulates the natural growth cycle of hair, promotes blood circulation in the scalp and dilates blood vessels, thus promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss.

10 amino acids: This complex of 10 amino acids leaves hair hydrated and free of dryness after washing.

10 No-no list
Our objective is to create superior quality hair care products that are Australian-made, paraben-free, sulfate free, not tested on animals and smell too pleasant.

So here is the 10 “no-no list” for our product:

No paraben
No sulfate
No mineral oil
No synthetic fragrances
No animal derivatives
No chemical nasties
No silicones
No phthalates
No Petrolatum



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