Dior 玫瑰花蜜 活顏再生 乳霜 50ml








* 皮膚科醫生對31位女士進行的臨床測試,比較使用產品1星期及2個月後的效果。

** 47位女士使用2星期後由皮膚科醫生進行的臨床評估及模型分析。


  • 超越抗衰老的護膚突破,顯著逆轉衰老痕跡,成就年輕肌膚
  • 深刻皺紋得以撫平,膚質變得緊密細緻,輪廓全面提升
  • 煥發年輕光采

為核心配方研發的鎖水技術能有效提升活性成分滲透力達2倍,深層滲入肌底。* 這項專利技術嚴選與肌膚完美親和的成分,守護肌膚水潤度,令肌膚回復緊密細緻、豐盈飽滿。


* 經離體測試。

** 根據ISO 16128第1部分及第2部分的標準數值。包括水分百分比。其餘6%用於提升配方的效能、感官舒適度及穩定性。


  1. 玫瑰花蜜活顏化妝水為肌膚作好準備。
  2. 以玫瑰花蜜活養再生精華油繼續修護程序。
  3. 然後使用玫瑰花蜜活顏再生乳霜。
  4. 最後,針對眼周使用玫瑰花蜜活養再生眼部精華。

Dior Rose Honey Regenerating Cream 50ml

Imagine waking up to radiant, youthful-looking skin that glows with vitality. The Dior Rose Honey Regenerating Cream is the ultimate solution to reverse the signs of aging, revealing a smoother, firmer, and more luminous complexion.

Unlock the Power of Rose Honey

This rich and luxurious cream is infused with the patented Rose Honey extract, a potent blend of 88 active molecules that work in harmony to regenerate and revitalize the skin. The unique formula combines the extract with two peptides that stimulate collagen production, resulting in a profound transformation of the skin’s structure and function.

Revitalize Your Skin in 3 Dimensions

  • Rebuilds the skin’s foundation, restoring firmness and elasticity
  • Renews the epidermis, revealing a brighter and more even-toned complexion
  • Strengthens the skin’s barrier function, providing long-lasting hydration and protection

Women who used this cream reported a 9-fold increase in skin firmness, a more defined facial contour, and a significant reduction in wrinkles. Their skin looked 6 years younger in just 8 weeks*

Breakthrough Anti-Aging Technology

This cream’s patented lock-in technology ensures that the active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin, providing a 2-fold increase in absorption. The result is a profound reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and a more radiant, youthful-looking complexion.

Natural Ingredients for a Luxurious Experience

With 94% natural ingredients, this cream provides a sumptuous and indulgent experience for the skin. The silky texture and subtle fragrance of rose honey envelop the skin, providing an unparalleled sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

How to Use

  1. Prepare your skin with the Dior Rose Honey Toner
  2. Follow up with the Dior Rose Honey Regenerating Essence
  3. Apply the Dior Rose Honey Regenerating Cream
  4. Finish with the Dior Rose Honey Regenerating Eye Cream for a complete skincare routine

*Clinical test conducted by dermatologists on 31 women, comparing the effects of using the product for 1 week and 2 months.

重量0.1 公斤



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