Comvita 康維他 麥盧卡 UMF10+ 蜂膠噴喉劑 20ml (加強版)

Comvita的Extra Strength Propolis Oral Spray是由高品質的Propolis,UMF 10+ Manuka蜂蜜,以及薄荷,丁香和沒藥油的混合物獨特組合。這種強效的組合旨在支持口腔健康和衛生,同時也能清新您的口氣。蜂膠是蜜蜂作為防禦系統的一部分所創造的天然樹脂,富含生物類黃酮,並作為我們產品的主要成分。為了確保您的噴霧劑的壽命,我們建議將其直立存放,並在噴嘴堵塞時用熱水清潔。

Comvita Propolis Oral Spray Extra Strength supports oral health and helps to freshen the breath. Propolis Oral Spray is the original combination of high quality Propolis, Manuka honey, peppermint, clove and myrrh oils formulated to help maintain oral health and hygiene. Comvita Propolis contains a range of bioflavonoids. The bees create propolis from natural resin produced by trees as part of their defence system. We mimic the clever bees by collecting propolis from the hive and using it as a key ingredient in many of our products.

Care suggestion for the spray

1.Propolis is naturally a sticky substance and can clog the nozzle over time; especially if it is stored on its side for a prolonged period the issue may worsen.

2. It is highly recommended to store the products upright if possible.

3. Another suggestion to remedy the issue is to soak the spray nozzle in hot water to clean it.

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