Caruso’s 卡盧索 Veins Clear 靜脈曲張 美腿片 60粒裝


Caruso’s Veins Clear maintains blood flow to the legs, feet and hands and supports the health of blood capillaries, and other blood vessels such as veins. It also supports a healthy lymphatic system and relieves mild tissue oedema (swelling).

Caruso’s Veins Clear contains Butcher’s broom, Grape seed, Vitamin C and Hesperidin.

The Butcher’s broom and Hesperidin in the formula maintain blood flow to the legs and feet and support healthy blood circulation.

Grape seed and Vitamin C support the health of blood vessels such as capillaries and veins. They are also both antioxidants and help to reduce free radical damage to body cells.

Vitamin C also helps to support collagen formation and maintain the health of collagen. Collagen is a vital component of the structure of the walls of healthy blood vessels.

Caruso’s Veins Clear health indications:

Maintains blood flow to the peripheral areas of the body including legs, feet and hands
Supports healthy blood circulation
Supports the health of capillaries, veins and other blood vessels
Maintains a healthy lymphatic system
Relieves mild tissue oedema (swelling)
Supports collagen formation and health
Antioxidants to help reduce free radical damage to body cells



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