人蔘 Ginseng
南非醉茄 Ashwagandha
卵磷脂 Lecithin
大豆異黃酮 Isoflavones
奶薊草 Milk Thistle
接骨木 Sambucus
月見草 Evening Primrose
消化酵素 Digestive Enzymes
煙酰胺 Nicotinamide
瑪卡 Maca
白藜蘆醇 Resveratrol
益生菌 Probiotics
維他命A Vitamin A
維他命B Vitamin B
維他命C Vitamin C
維他命D Vitamin D
維他命E Vitamin E
維他命K Vitamin K
胺基酸 Amino acid
膠原蛋白 Collagen
膳食纖維 Dietary Fiber
花青素 Anthocyanidin
葉黃素 Lutein
葡萄糖胺 Glucosamine
褪黑素 Melatonin
輔酶 Coenzyme
輔酶Q10 Coenzyme Q10
透明質酸 Hyaluronic Acid
鈣 Calcium
鋅 Zinc
鎂 Magnesium
鐵 Iron
The peel-off mask thoroughly removes dead skin and impurities for fine, clear and soft-textured skin.
Removes dead skin and bodily waste
Thanks to its elastic texture, the Clarifying Mask fits tightly onto the skin and adhere impurities and dead skin as it dries, thereby caring neat and tidy skin.
Achieves bright and clear skin with fresh herbal ingredients
The Clarifying Mask contains Solomon’s Seal powder, which helps to improve rough skin affected by dead skin and impurities to clear and radiant skin.
Achieves smooth and fine-textured skin
The Clarifying Mask removes impurities and dead skin, then tightens up skin pores to deliver smooth and fine-textured skin appearance.
* Test Subject: 45 persons, 35-49 years of age / Testing Period: January 16, 2020 ~ January 23, 2020 / Testing Institution: ACORN
重量 | .2 公斤 |
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