人蔘 Ginseng
南非醉茄 Ashwagandha
卵磷脂 Lecithin
大豆異黃酮 Isoflavones
奶薊草 Milk Thistle
接骨木 Sambucus
月見草 Evening Primrose
消化酵素 Digestive Enzymes
煙酰胺 Nicotinamide
瑪卡 Maca
白藜蘆醇 Resveratrol
益生菌 Probiotics
維他命A Vitamin A
維他命B Vitamin B
維他命C Vitamin C
維他命D Vitamin D
維他命E Vitamin E
維他命K Vitamin K
胺基酸 Amino acid
膠原蛋白 Collagen
膳食纖維 Dietary Fiber
花青素 Anthocyanidin
葉黃素 Lutein
葡萄糖胺 Glucosamine
褪黑素 Melatonin
輔酶 Coenzyme
輔酶Q10 Coenzyme Q10
透明質酸 Hyaluronic Acid
鈣 Calcium
鋅 Zinc
鎂 Magnesium
鐵 Iron
Our most popular cream, packaged in a convenient tube. Pop in your handbag, or in the car, this non-greasy and fast-absorbing cream is perfect for all skin types. Leaves hands soft, smooth, and delicately scented. Helps repair dry & damaged skin with Essential oil of Lavender and vitamin E.
Product Details:
Mini Hand Cream
Fragrance: Lavender
Ingredients: Deionised water, decyl oleate, cetyl alcohol, glycerin, stearic acid, glycerol stearate, lanolin, lanolin oil, dimethicone, isopropyl myristate, sorbitol, triethanolamine, lavender oil, phenoxyethanol, potassium sorbate, panthenol, vitamin E,
重量 | .1 公斤 |
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