HaaKaa 第3代配件 密封儲奶蓋


同樣保留前代優異製造品質,延用食品級矽膠為製造原料,不含PBA, PVC, 不含塑化劑。使用安心,方便,更放心。


矽膠密封瓶蓋 x 兩個


  • 配合Haakaa 第3代160mL/250mL 吸奶器用
  • 由100%食品級矽膠製成
  • 防漏密封
  • 清潔方便 可放洗碗機, 可蒸氣消菌, 可沸水消菌
  • BPA,PVC和不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽


The Haakaa Silicone Bottle Sealing Disk transforms your Gen. 3 Silicone Bottles into the perfect container for storing breast milk, liquids and snacks, or for taking food on the go! They’re completely airtight, keeping food fresh and preserving the beneficial properties of breast milk that are so important for our growing little ones.

With a quick twist of the top, you can swap out your storage container lid for any of our range of optional interchangeable attachments (each sold separately). We have our famous breast pump flange that lets you express directly into the bottle, a baby bottle lid to feed your little one expressed milk, a feeding spoon dispenser for when your baby moves on to solids and sippy bottle top to help your independent toddler transition easily from a bottle to a cup!


  • Made of 100% food-grade silicone.
  • Compatible with all Haakaa Gen. 3 Silicone Bottles.
  • Leak-proof seal.
  • Safe in microwaves, sterilisers and boiling water.
  • BPA, PVC and phthalate-free.

Cleaning and Care:
Clean after each use. We strongly recommend cleaning and sterilising this product with any steam sterilising system or by boiling in water for 3-5 minutes. Do not use any bleach-based agents or sterilising tablets to clean this product. Do not use UV sterilisers to clean this product as it may impact the lifespan of your sealing disks.






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  • 智能櫃 / 自取點 $25
  • 速遞 $35
  • 滿$150 智能櫃 / 自取點 免運費
  • 滿$450 速遞 免運費
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Q2: 落單下幾時會收到貨?
A2: 一般落單及成功付款後,我地會開始準備貨物,一般會於7個工作天內完成寄出,你可於帳戶內嘅我的訂單查詢狀態。

Q3: 你地啲商品有啲寫現貨有啲無寫,有咩分別?
A3: 有寫現貨代表商品已經喺我地倉庫內,如果冇寫代表落單後會即時向供應商要求商品,BabyMall 以低庫存量運作,確保有較長嘅商品有效期。
Haa0005 - HaaKaa 第3代配件 密封儲奶蓋 HaaKaa 第3代配件 密封儲奶蓋



