Glitter&Spice 3格吸盤


全個矽膠設計 125ml容量一體成型
底部附真空吸盤 唔怕bb倒瀉
耐熱220度 可入微波爐 洗碗機 高溫消毒
耐冷-20度 可入冷箱
不含BPA PVC✔️美國FDA認證







🥣 容量:約375ml ( 每格125ml) 深度:約2.54公分(1英寸)

餐盤尺寸 : 整體直徑約20.5公分 底部吸盤直徑 : 16公分

Our luxurious silicone suction plates make feeding time easy and practical! Made from 100% food grade silicone, our silicone suction plates are free from harmful chemicals such as BPA, lead and Phthalates. Our strong suction base the plate on the table and the food in the plate! This silicone suction plate is a great way for little ones to learn how to eat like a big kid!


Silicone is the perfect material because it is hygienic, hypoallergenic, resistant to bacteria and extremely easy to clean with warm soapy water or in the top rack of the dishwasher.
Silicone can withstand both hot and cold temperatures and doesn’t warp or damage under prolonged exposure.
Silicone has the capacity to evenly distribute heat and the ability to cool instantly after heated.
Silicone is durable and unbreakable
Silicone can be safely used in the microwave, freezer, and in the top rack of the dishwasher

Measures 8” in diameter. Each section holds approximately holds 4.25 oz (125ml)



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  • 智能櫃 / 自取點 $25
  • 速遞 $35
  • 滿$150 智能櫃 / 自取點 免運費
  • 滿$450 速遞 免運費
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A2: 一般落單及成功付款後,我地會開始準備貨物,一般會於7個工作天內完成寄出,你可於帳戶內嘅我的訂單查詢狀態。

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A3: 有寫現貨代表商品已經喺我地倉庫內,如果冇寫代表落單後會即時向供應商要求商品,BabyMall 以低庫存量運作,確保有較長嘅商品有效期。

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