Salus Floradix 補鐵補血抗疲勞 鐵元片 84片裝 (英國版)



– 高效補充鐵質,無副作用,無添加劑
– 有助於打擊疲倦和睏乏,並恢復健康,充滿活力,並讓你在生活中煥發活力並充滿閃亮


– 3-12歲:每日一次,每次一粒
– 12歲以上及成人:每日兩次,每次一粒
– 早餐晚餐前半小時吃(儘量2小時內不要喝茶和咖啡,會影響吸收)

Floradix Tablets contain organic iron (II) from ferrous gluconate, vitamins B2, B6, B12 and C which contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
Iron contributes to normal red blood cell formation (supported by the vitamins B6 and B12) and haemoglobin formation. In addition, folate (folic acid) contributes to normal maternal tissue growth during pregnancy. Furthermore, vitamin C increases iron absorption. Floradix Tablets contain iron from ferrous gluconate which is a particularly absorbable form. Floradix Tablets are easy to take and help safeguard the balance of iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and folic acid. Floradix Tablets contain extracts of selected herbs and rosehip. Floradix Tablets are gluten free and suitable for vegetarians.
Floradix Tablets are suitable for women including those planning to conceive, expectant and lactating mothers, children, adolescents, the elderly, convalescents, vegetarians and those with an active lifestyle.

重量.2 公斤


兒童, 成人





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