Mise en scene 完美修護 精華護髮油 2022 升級新版 80ml

[✨ 韓國護髮秘訣,擁抱摩洛哥堅果油]:作為古老的美容秘訣,摩洛哥堅果油提供深層滋潤和滋養,同時改善頭髮的光澤、強度和彈性。

[🥥 7種天然精華油]:摩洛哥堅果油、橄欖油、椰子油、杏仁油、馬魯拉果油、荷荷巴籽油和山茶花籽油,特別配製,針對您的頭髮問題。您可以感受到更少的打結、粗糙、開裂和分叉!

[🌿 不含嚴厲化學物質]:本產品不含礦物油、動物油、合成色素、咪唑烷基脲、三乙醇胺和聚丙烯酰胺。

[🛡️ 深層修護受損髮質]:如果您需要深層修護受損的頭髮,豐富的精華是解決方案。它將使您的頭髮絲滑柔軟,持續24小時。您還將體驗到頭髮易梳理、補充水分、減少毛躁和防護免受細微灰塵和紫外線等外部壓力的效果。

[🍋 柑橘芳香氣味]:伴隨著迷人的花果香氣,它將在您的頭髮上持續一整天!




[✨ Korean Hair Care Routine with Argan Oil ] : The age-old beauty secret that have been used for centuries, Argan oil provides intensive hydration and nourishment, while it improves hair’s sleekness, strength, and elasticity.
[🥥 7 Nature Derived Oils ] : The Argan, olive, coconut, apricot, Marula, jojoba, and camellia are specially formulated to for your hair concerns. You can feel less tangle, roughness, cracks, and split-ends!
[🌿 Free of Harsh Chemicals ] : This product does not contains mineral oil, animal oil, synthetic pigment, imidazolidinyl urea, triethanolamine, and polyacrylamide
[🛡️ Intensive Damaged Hair Care ] : If you need intensive damaged hair care, rich serum is the answer. It will keep your hair silky and supple for 24 hours. You will also experience detangled and replenished strands, less frizz, and protection from outside stressors like fine dust and UV rays.
[🍋 Citrus Aromatic Scent ] : Accompanied by such a lovely floral fruity scent, it will linger on your hair all day!

How to use:
Damp Hair:
1. After shampooing, dry your hair until it does not drip. Apply 1-2 drops and evenly spread on hair.
2. Grasp and comb down along the fingers.
3. Dry your hair with a hair dryer.

Dry Hair
Directly apply 1-2 drops of oil on the palm and evenly apply on hair by pressing.

重量.15 公斤



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