Kiehl’s 醫學維他命C 淡斑精華 4ml 樣板

Kiehl’s 醫學維他命C 淡斑精華 是一款針對色斑問題的產品,能夠幫助均勻膚色,提升膚色亮度。它含有活性維生素C和緩衝水楊酸,能夠有效減少各種色斑,包括黑斑、色素沉澱和痘印等。這款淡斑精華液適用於所有膚質,包括敏感肌膚,並且不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、礦物油和染料。


可以局部使用或整臉使用,早晚皆可。也可以用於手部、頸部和胸部等可見的色斑處。白天使用時,建議在上層塗抹Super Fluid UV Defense Daily Facial Sunscreen SPF 50+以保護皮膚。此外,還可以探索Clearly Corrective™系列的其他淡斑產品,包括明亮去角質日常潔面乳、明亮舒緩護膚水和明亮平滑保濕霜。

A targeted dark spot treatment that helps even skin tone and boost radiance. Formulated with Activated C (a stabilized form of Vitamin C) and buffered Salicylic Acid, this efficacious brightening serum helps visibly reduce the appearance of a broad array of discolorations including dark spots, hyperpigmentation and post-acne marks. Our dark spot corrector has been tested on all ethnicities and is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Paraben-free, mineral oil-free, and dye-free.

Clinically demonstrated visible results in 12 weeks:

Dark Spots Intensity -39%
Sallowness -17%
Post-Acne Marks/ Redness -27%
Even Tone +43%
Luminosity +42%

Over 40k positive reviews worldwide. 100% would recommend.

How to use
Apply dark spot serum as a spot treatment or over entire face both day and night
Can also be used to correct visible skin discolorations on hands, neck, and chest
During the day, protect skin by layering with Super Fluid UV Defense Daily Facial Sunscreen SPF 50+
Explore the rest of the Clearly Corrective™ skincare for dark spots and discolorations including our Brightening & Exfoliating Daily Cleanser, Brightening & Soothing Treatment Water and Brightening and Smoothing Moisture Treatment

重量0.05 公斤



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