Kewpie 丘比 A-74 4種蔬菜雞肉蓉 (7個月以上適用)


Kewpie 丘比 A-74 4種蔬菜雞肉蓉是專為7個月以上寶寶設計的營養輔食。想像一下,當你打開這個透明的玻璃瓶,看到裡面色彩豐富的蔬菜和雞肉,就能感受到滿滿的安心。四種根莖類蔬菜和嫩滑的雞里脊肉,經過精心烹煮,搭配和風高湯,營養美味兼具。無論是直接餵食,還是加入寶寶的餐點中,都能為寶寶提供均衡的營養,讓媽媽更放心。


Kewpie 丘比 A-74 4種蔬菜雞肉蓉選用優質食材,包括國產白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、里芋、洋蔥和牛蒡,搭配鮮嫩的雞里脊肉,每一口都充滿天然的甜味和鮮味。通過精心調理,蔬菜和肉類的營養得以最大程度地保留,軟爛易消化,適合寶寶的幼嫩腸胃。同時,我們嚴格把控食材品質,確保每一瓶都安全無憂,讓寶寶在關鍵的成長期獲得充足的營養,健康茁壯成長。


這款蔬菜雞肉蓉採用瓶裝設計,方便媽媽儲存和使用。密封的玻璃瓶可以在常溫下保存長達24個月,無需占用冰箱空間。每瓶容量為70克,適合寶寶一次食用,不用擔心剩食變質的問題。在餵食前,只需輕輕攪拌,即可讓寶寶享用營養美味的餐點。Kewpie 丘比 A-74 4種蔬菜雞肉蓉,讓媽媽隨時隨地都能為寶寶提供優質的輔食,滿足寶寶成長過程中的營養需求。

總的來說,Kewpie 丘比 A-74 4種蔬菜雞肉蓉是一款兼具營養、美味和便捷的嬰兒輔食。嚴選的食材、安心的包裝、易於消化的口感,讓寶寶在成長的關鍵時期獲得全面的營養支持。無論是直接餵食,還是與其他食材搭配,這款蔬菜雞肉蓉都能為寶寶帶來健康美味的享受。選擇 Kewpie 丘比,讓我們一起呵護寶寶的健康成長,見證每一個精彩的成長瞬間。


  • 品牌:Kewpie 丘比
  • 型號:A-74
  • 適用年齡:7個月以上
  • 包裝:瓶裝,70克
  • 口感:軟爛易消化
  • 配料:四種根莖類蔬菜(白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、里芋、洋蔥、牛蒡)、雞里脊肉、玉米澱粉等
  • 特點:無添加色素、香料,採用日本國產蔬菜
  • 保存方法:常溫保存,開封後需冷藏
  • 保質期:24個月
  • 產地:日本

Kewpie A-74 4 Vegetable Chicken Puree (For 7+ Months)

Trusted Nutrition, Mom’s First Choice

Kewpie A-74 4 Vegetable Chicken Puree is a nutritious baby food designed specifically for infants over 7 months old. Imagine opening this transparent glass jar and seeing the colorful vegetables and chicken inside, giving you a sense of reassurance. Four types of root vegetables and tender chicken breast, carefully cooked and combined with Japanese-style broth, offer both nutrition and deliciousness. Whether fed directly or added to your baby’s meals, it provides balanced nutrition, giving moms peace of mind.

Carefully Selected Ingredients for Healthy Growth

Kewpie A-74 4 Vegetable Chicken Puree uses high-quality ingredients, including domestically produced white radish, carrots, taro, onions, and burdock, paired with tender chicken breast. Every bite is full of natural sweetness and freshness. Through careful preparation, the nutrients in the vegetables and meat are maximally retained, making it soft, easy to digest, and suitable for babies’ delicate stomachs. At the same time, we strictly control the quality of ingredients to ensure that every jar is safe and worry-free, allowing babies to obtain adequate nutrition during critical growth periods and grow up healthy and strong.

Easy Storage, Always Ready for Baby’s Needs

This vegetable and chicken puree comes in a jar, making it convenient for moms to store and use. The sealed glass jar can be stored at room temperature for up to 24 months without taking up refrigerator space. Each jar has a capacity of 70 grams, suitable for a baby’s single serving, eliminating concerns about leftover food spoilage. Before feeding, simply stir gently, and your baby can enjoy a nutritious and delicious meal. Kewpie A-74 4 Vegetable Chicken Puree allows moms to provide high-quality supplementary food anytime, anywhere, meeting babies’ nutritional needs during growth.

Overall, Kewpie A-74 4 Vegetable Chicken Puree is a baby food that combines nutrition, taste, and convenience. Carefully selected ingredients, safe packaging, and an easily digestible texture provide comprehensive nutritional support for babies during critical growth periods. Whether fed directly or combined with other ingredients, this vegetable and chicken puree brings healthy and delicious enjoyment to babies. Choose Kewpie and let’s nurture babies’ healthy growth together, witnessing every wonderful moment of their development.

Product Information:

  • Brand: Kewpie
  • Model: A-74
  • Suitable Age: 7+ months
  • Packaging: Jar, 70 grams
  • Texture: Soft and easy to digest
  • Ingredients: Four root vegetables (white radish, carrots, taro, onions, burdock), chicken breast, corn starch, etc.
重量0.2 公斤



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