HaaKaa 矽膠防漏防塵蓋






適用於第二代以及第三代集乳器 ,使用更方便 ,是媽咪們旅行外出的必備單品。

防漏防塵蓋 ,蓋緊時請勿用力擠壓瓶身。以避免壓力過大導致母乳噴出。

🌟製造材質 🌟
防漏防塵蓋:矽膠 // 耐溫:-20度C ~ 250度C

🌟清潔注意事項 🌟
請勿使用含漂白成份之清潔劑清洗,為保持產品品質,請避免長時間浸泡於消毒液體當中。防漏防塵蓋為矽膠材質,建議蒸氣消毒或以滾水煮沸2-3分鐘消毒。矽膠產品請避免紫外線照射消毒。矽膠材質經高溫處理如產生輕微霧化,屬正常現象可安心使用。請避免接觸尖銳物品、 遠離火源。

🌟 產品不含雙酚A、不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽 🌟

⚠️親膚商品 ⚠️

The Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump Cap fits securely over the top of your Haakaa Breast Pump, protecting it from accidental spills and keeping your precious breast milk safe! Made from 100% food grade silicone, our Breast Pump Cap seals your pump to keep it free of airborne dust and other nasties and remain clean and hygienic between uses!


Made from 100% food grade silicone.
Leak-proof design to prevent spills.
Seals your pump to keep it clean and hygienic between uses.
Fits all Haakaa Silicone Breast Pumps.
Safe in dishwashers and boiling water.
BPA, PVC and phthalate-free.
Cleaning and Care
Wash before and after each use. Although dishwasher safe, we strongly recommend sterilising using a steam steriliser or by boiling in water for 2-3 minutes. Do not use any bleach-based cleaners or tablets to clean or sterilise this product.

Caution: Check product condition regularly. Replace if this product shows any signs of damage. Do not store near any sharp objects. Only soft bristle brushes or soft sponges should be used to clean this product as hard scourers may scratch the surface. This product is not a toy. Do not use this product for anything other than its intended use. Store product in a cool, dry place and avoid direct sunlight

重量0.05 公斤



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